The Temple of Youth: Jimmy Butterworth & Clubland


This book is the first complete biography of the Reverend James Butterworth (1897-1977) and an authoritative history of Clubland – the most celebrated and controversial venture in church youth work of the 20th Century.

About the book

Title: The Temple of Youth: Jimmy Butterworth & Clubland
Authors: John Butterworth, Jenny Waine. Published by JB Club Press
Format: Hardback, 416 pages, 120 black and white photographs.
ISBN: 978-1-5272-5017-8
Publication date, December, 2019

This book is primarily the story of Clubland and its creator but it has a broader relevance within the social history of the 20th century. It provides an illuminating case study of the revolutionary changes in church youth work as the century progressed through war and peace. The book is fully referenced and offers a rich source of information and research material for those wishing to read further.

About the authors

John Butterworth is Jimmy Butterworth’s son, and grew up at Clubland. He is an educational author and former teacher. Jenny Waine is a barrister and an academic, and was the chief researcher for this book.

About JB Club Press

Now manages this website and the publication of The Temple of Youth. It follows in the footsteps of the Clubland Press, which produced much of the Club literature in the early years.
